Heskstat Pty Ltd Apps

Soccer: Is Stat Your Game 1.0
Heskstat Pty Ltd
Soccer Coach and Soccer Player : IS STAT YOUR GAME – Know howefficient your team is playing or how efficient you are playingwith the new Player option. Soccer (Football) is a game based onmany opinions but the new App ‘IS STAT YOUR GAME’ is a unique toolwhich will help you form opinions based on facts directly from thegame. HESKSTAT Pty Ltd developed the excellent App IS STAT YOURGAME for coaches to track team’s efficiency in real time whileplaying a game. The App gives you an edge and provides you withfacts to form the foundation of your opinions, apply your knowledgeand skills as a coach to make decisions for continuous improvementof your team's performances. Now with the upgrade the new PLAYERoption allows players to download the app and have someone collectthe data on their efficiency and performance providing theinformation for them to study after the game and as a player use itto know what to practice for improvement if required for the nextgame they play and give the player who use is it wisely anopportunity to get an edge. IS STAT YOUR GAME NEW upgrade featuresinclude: -Team efficiency and 1 player efficiency option. -Separatedata collection for each half - (team) -Time data collection-(player) -Game timer -Immediate team efficiency displayed as apercentage during data entry in real time. -TEAM & PLAYER-Color indication for good areas of efficiency (green) and not sogood (red). - TEAM -Email data for records and analysis TEAM &DATA- IS STAT YOUR GAME is an excellent tool when wanting to checkfuture opponents. It will give you an idea of their strengths andweaknesses when they play which ultimately gives you the edge. Theplayer option can be used by a coach analyzing his own player orscouting a new player. Soccer: IS STAT YOUR GAME was developed byan experienced coach supplied through HESKSTAT Pty Ltd and endorsedby proven soccer professionals. Buy the App get the edge and enjoythe product. For further details and demo go to :http://heskstat.com